ダスキン城北 企業理念
- 城北は「感動創造カンパニー」として、お客様の心にひびくサービスを目指します。おもてなしの心とともに、快適で衛生的な環境を提供することをもっとも大切な使命とこころえています。
- 城北は、ダスキン経営理念を自社の経営理念として事業活動を通じて、お客様のお役に立ち地域社会に広く貢献していきます。
- 私たちは、日本人として歴史や文化に誇りを持ち、仕事・遊び・学びを一所懸命に実践し、自分自身と、周囲の人々の人生にうるおいと生きがいを与えます。
祈りの経営 ダスキン経営理念 Management Philosophy
- 一日一日と今日こそは、あなたの人生が(私の人生が)新しく生まれ変わるチャンスです
- 自分に対しては損と得とあらば損の道をゆくこと
- 他人に対しては喜びのタネまきをすること
- 我も他も(私もあなたも)物心ともに豊かになり(物も心も豊かになり)生きがいのある世の中にすること
ありがとうございました 合掌
- Day after day,beginning with today,both you and Ihave a chance to begin our lives anew.
- Whether our lot today be profit or loss,be spiritually ready for loss.
- As a planter would,let us sow the seeds of joy to every person we meet each day.
- For everyone,for you and me,may we lead our lives in this world to the fullest,realizing our maximum spiritual and material potential.
ダスキン創業者 鈴木清一のこころ
Seiichi Suzuki’s Mind.
This is the Basis for Duskin’s Management Philsophy.
“Let Us Sow the Seeds of Joy.”
These words by the founder,Seiichi Suzuki are the basis for the founding of the Duskin group and a driving power for its current growth.
The reason behind the success of the franchise system, which had been launched for the first time in Japan, was the desperate wish of the founder to “share business opportunities and joy with as many a people possible.”
Duskin owes much to the prayers of each individual who pursued the desire to be of “better service to the customers and satisfy them.”
Its success can also be attributed to the development and expanding of its business sphere, brought about by developing a circle of customers and friends both nationally and internationally.
Duskin “respects science,accepts a lot of teachings,ponders profoundly how best it can be of help to people in a community and be of service to the world.
Duskin puts forth its best efforts in production,sales & research and conducts all transactions with prayers, mutual affection and sincerity.”
Though we are now heading towards the 21st century,these words of Seiichi Suzuki are still clear and distinct and serve as guidelines for Duskin’s future.
Let us take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to you for your friendship. We will continue to reflect whether the products and services delivered by each of us can be truly of service to the world, and pray at the same time that Duskin’s every activity will contribute to the benefit and joy of customers in every local area.
Duskin wishes to continue its business activities for many years to come.